The SHA-3 Zoo

From The ECRYPT Hash Function Website
Revision as of 16:06, 30 April 2009 by JAumasson (talk | contribs) (Dynamic SHA2 in orange)

The SHA-3 Zoo (work in progress) is a collection of cryptographic hash functions (in alphabetical order) submitted to the SHA-3 contest (see also here). It aims to provide an overview of design and cryptanalysis of all submissions. A list of all SHA-3 submitters is also available. For a software performance related overview, see eBASH. At a separate page, we also collect hardware implementation results of the candidates. Another categorization of the SHA-3 submissions can be found here.

The idea of the SHA-3 Zoo is to give a good overview of cryptanalytic results. We try to avoid additional judgement whether a submission is broken. The answer to this question is left to NIST. However, we categorize the cryptanalytic results by their impact from very theoretic to practical attacks. A detailed description is given in Cryptanalysis Categories.

At this time, 56 out of 64 submissions to the SHA-3 competition are publicly known and available. 51 submissions have advanced to the first round. So far, 10 out of 51 first round candidates have been officially conceded broken or withdrawn by the designers.

The following table should give a first impression on the remaining SHA-3 candidates. It shows only the best known attack, more detailed results are collected at the individual hash function pages. A description of the main table is given here.

Recent updates of the SHA-3 Zoo

Hash Name Principal Submitter Best Attack on Main NIST Requirements Best Attack on other Hash Requirements
ARIRANG Jongin Lim
AURORA Masahiro Fujita 2nd preimage
BLAKE Jean-Philippe Aumasson
Blender Colin Bradbury collision, preimage near-collision
Blue Midnight Wish Svein Johan Knapskog
Cheetah Dmitry Khovratovich length-extension
CHI Phillip Hawkes
CRUNCH Jacques Patarin length-extension
CubeHash Daniel J. Bernstein preimage
Dynamic SHA Xu Zijie collision length-extension
Dynamic SHA2 Xu Zijie collision length-extension
ECHO Henri Gilbert
ECOH Daniel R. L. Brown 2nd preimage
Edon-R Danilo Gligoroski preimage
EnRUPT Sean O'Neil collision
ESSENCE Jason Worth Martin
FSB Matthieu Finiasz
Fugue Charanjit S. Jutla
Grøstl Lars R. Knudsen
Hamsi Özgül Küçük
JH Hongjun Wu preimage
Keccak The Keccak Team
LANE Sebastiaan Indesteege
Lesamnta Hirotaka Yoshida
Luffa Dai Watanabe
LUX Ivica Nikolić collision, 2nd preimage DRBG,HMAC
MCSSHA-3 Mikhail Maslennikov collision
MD6 Ronald L. Rivest
NaSHA Smile Markovski collision
SANDstorm Rich Schroeppel
Sarmal Kerem Varıcı preimage
Sgàil Peter Maxwell collision
Shabal Jean-François Misarsky
SHAvite-3 Orr Dunkelman
SIMD Gaëtan Leurent
Skein Bruce Schneier
Spectral Hash Çetin Kaya Koç collision
SWIFFTX Daniele Micciancio
TIB3 Daniel Penazzi collision
Twister Michael Gorski preimage
Vortex Michael Kounavis preimage

The following hash functions have been submitted to the NIST competition but did not advance to the first round, or have been conceded broken or withdrawn by the designers:

Hash Name Principal Submitter Status Best Attack on Main NIST Requirements
Abacus Neil Sholer conceded broken 2nd-preimage
Boole Greg Rose conceded broken collision
DCH David A. Wilson conceded broken collision
HASH 2X Jason Lee not in round 1 2nd-preimage
Khichidi-1 M. Vidyasagar conceded broken collision
Maraca Robert J. Jenkins not in round 1 preimage
MeshHash Björn Fay conceded broken 2nd preimage
NKS2D Geoffrey Park not in round 1 collision
Ponic Peter Schmidt-Nielsen not in round 1 2nd-preimage
SHAMATA Orhun Kara conceded broken collision
StreamHash Michal Trojnara conceded broken collision
Tangle Rafael Alvarez conceded broken collision
WaMM John Washburn conceded broken collision
Waterfall Bob Hattersley conceded broken collision
ZK-Crypt Carmi Gressel not in round 1

Your analysis is not mentioned? Drop a line at to let us know!