
From The ECRYPT Hash Function Website
Revision as of 02:58, 27 July 2010 by Crechberger (talk | contribs) (added Novotney distinguisher)

1 The algorithm

  • Author(s): Emmanuel Bresson, Anne Canteaut, Benoît Chevallier-Mames, Christophe Clavier, Thomas Fuhr, Aline Gouget, Thomas Icart, Jean-François Misarsky, Marìa Naya-Plasencia, Pascal Paillier, Thomas Pornin, Jean-René Reinhard, Céline Thuillet, Marion Videau
  • Website:
  • NIST submission package:

Emmanuel Bresson, Anne Canteaut, Benoît Chevallier-Mames, Christophe Clavier, Thomas Fuhr, Aline Gouget, Thomas Icart, Jean-François Misarsky, Marìa Naya-Plasencia, Pascal Paillier, Thomas Pornin, Jean-René Reinhard, Céline Thuillet, Marion Videau - Shabal, a Submission to NIST’s Cryptographic Hash Algorithm Competition

Author : Emmanuel Bresson, Anne Canteaut, Benoît Chevallier-Mames, Christophe Clavier, Thomas Fuhr, Aline Gouget, Thomas Icart, Jean-François Misarsky, Marìa Naya-Plasencia, Pascal Paillier, Thomas Pornin, Jean-René Reinhard, Céline Thuillet, Marion Videau
Title : Shabal, a Submission to NIST’s Cryptographic Hash Algorithm Competition
In : -
Address :
Date : 2008

Emmanuel Bresson, Anne Canteaut, Benoît Chevallier-Mames, Christophe Clavier, Thomas Fuhr, Aline Gouget, Thomas Icart, Jean-François Misarsky, Marìa Naya-Plasencia, Pascal Paillier, Thomas Pornin, Jean-René Reinhard, Céline Thuillet, Marion Videau - Indifferentiability with Distinguishers: Why Shabal Does Not Require Ideal Ciphers

Author : Emmanuel Bresson, Anne Canteaut, Benoît Chevallier-Mames, Christophe Clavier, Thomas Fuhr, Aline Gouget, Thomas Icart, Jean-François Misarsky, Marìa Naya-Plasencia, Pascal Paillier, Thomas Pornin, Jean-René Reinhard, Céline Thuillet, Marion Videau
Title : Indifferentiability with Distinguishers: Why Shabal Does Not Require Ideal Ciphers
In : -
Address :
Date : 2009

2 Cryptanalysis

We distinguish between two cases: results on the complete hash function, and results on underlying building blocks.

A description of the tables is given here.

Recommended security parameters: (p,r)=(3,12)

2.1 Hash function

Here we list results on the hash function according to the NIST requirements. The only allowed modification is to change the security parameter.

Type of Analysis Hash Size (n) Parameters Compression Function Calls Memory Requirements Reference

2.2 Building blocks

Here we list results on underlying building blocks, and the hash function modified by other means than the security parameter.

Note that these results assume more direct control or access over some internal variables (aka. free-start, pseudo, compression function, block cipher, or permutation attacks).

Type of Analysis Hash Function Part Hash Size (n) Parameters/Variants Compression Function Calls Memory Requirements Reference
non-randomness(1) permutation all 212 Aumasson
non-randomness(1) permutation all 1 Knudsen,Matusiewicz,Thomsen
non-randomness(1) permutation all 2 Aumasson,Mashatan,Meier
non-randomness permutation all 2159 Van Assche
non-randomness permutation all 221 Novotney

(1)The Shabal team commented on these analyses and provide an update of their security proofs in this note.

Jean-Philippe Aumasson - On the pseudorandomness of Shabal's keyed permutation

Author : Jean-Philippe Aumasson
Title : On the pseudorandomness of Shabal's keyed permutation
In : -
Address :
Date : 2009

Lars R. Knudsen, Krystian Matusiewicz, Søren S. Thomsen - Observations on the Shabal keyed permutation

Author : Lars R. Knudsen, Krystian Matusiewicz, Søren S. Thomsen
Title : Observations on the Shabal keyed permutation
In : -
Address :
Date : 2009

Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Atefeh Mashatan, Willi Meier - More on Shabal's permutation

Author : Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Atefeh Mashatan, Willi Meier
Title : More on Shabal's permutation
In : -
Address :
Date : 2009

Gilles Van Assche - A rotational distinguisher on Shabal's keyed permutation and its impact on the security proofs

Author : Gilles Van Assche
Title : A rotational distinguisher on Shabal's keyed permutation and its impact on the security proofs
In : -
Address :
Date : 2010

Peter Novotney - Distinguisher for Shabal's Permutation Function

Author : Peter Novotney
Title : Distinguisher for Shabal's Permutation Function
In : -
Address :
Date : 2010