From The ECRYPT Hash Function Website

1 Specification

  • digest size: 256/512 bits
  • max. message length: < 2128 / < 2256bits
  • compression function: 256/512-bit message block, 256/512-bit chaining variable
  • Specification:

Lars R. Knudsen - SMASH - A Cryptographic Hash Function

FSE 3557:228-242,2005
Author : Lars R. Knudsen
Title : SMASH - A Cryptographic Hash Function
In : FSE -
Address :
Date : 2005

2 Cryptanalysis

2.1 Best Known Results

Practical collision and second preimage attacks. No preimage attacks.

2.2 Generic Attacks

2.3 Collision Attacks

Norbert Pramstaller, Christian Rechberger, Vincent Rijmen - Breaking a New Hash Function Design Strategy Called SMASH

Selected Areas in Cryptography 3897:233-244,2005
Author : Norbert Pramstaller, Christian Rechberger, Vincent Rijmen
Title : Breaking a New Hash Function Design Strategy Called SMASH
In : Selected Areas in Cryptography -
Address :
Date : 2005

2.4 Second Preimage Attacks

Mario Lamberger, Norbert Pramstaller, Christian Rechberger, Vincent Rijmen - Second Preimages for SMASH

CT-RSA pp. 101-111,2007
Author : Mario Lamberger, Norbert Pramstaller, Christian Rechberger, Vincent Rijmen
Title : Second Preimages for SMASH
In : CT-RSA -
Address :
Date : 2007

2.5 Preimage Attacks

2.6 Others