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From The ECRYPT Hash Function Website
(Collision Attacks)
(Collision Attacks)
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=== Collision Attacks ===
=== Collision Attacks ===
  author    = {Christophe De Canni{\`e}re and Florian Mendel and Christian Rechberger},
  title    = {Collisions for 70-Step SHA-1: On the Full Cost of Collision Search},
  booktitle = {Selected Areas in Cryptography},
  year      = {2007},
  pages    = {56-73},
  url        = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-77360-3_4},
  editor    = {Carlisle M. Adams and Ali Miri and Michael J. Wiener},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {4876},
  isbn      = {978-3-540-77359-7},
  abstract  = {The diversity of methods for fast collision search in SHA-1 and similar hash functions makes a comparison of them difficult. The literature is at times very vague on this issue, which makes comparison even harder. In situations where differences in estimates of attack complexity of a small factor might influence short-term recommendations of standardization bodies, uncertainties and ambiguities in the literature amounting to a similar order of magnitude are unhelpful. We survey different techniques and propose a simple but effective method to facilitate comparison. In a case study, we consider a newly developed attack on 70-step SHA-1, and give complexity estimates and performance measurements of this new and improved collision search method.},
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  author    = {Christophe De Canni{\`e}re and Florian Mendel and Christian Rechberger},
  title    = {Collisions for 70-Step SHA-1: On the Full Cost of Collision Search},
  booktitle = {Selected Areas in Cryptography},
  year      = {2007},
  pages    = {56-73},
  url        = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-77360-3_4},
  editor    = {Carlisle M. Adams and Ali Miri and Michael J. Wiener},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {4876},
  isbn      = {978-3-540-77359-7},
  abstract  = {The diversity of methods for fast collision search in SHA-1 and similar hash functions makes a comparison of them difficult. The literature is at times very vague on this issue, which makes comparison even harder. In situations where differences in estimates of attack complexity of a small factor might influence short-term recommendations of standardization bodies, uncertainties and ambiguities in the literature amounting to a similar order of magnitude are unhelpful. We survey different techniques and propose a simple but effective method to facilitate comparison. In a case study, we consider a newly developed attack on 70-step SHA-1, and give complexity estimates and performance measurements of this new and improved collision search method.},

Revision as of 12:20, 11 March 2008

1 Specification

  • digest size: 160 bits
  • max. message length: < 264 bits
  • compression function: 512-bit message block, 160-bit chaining variable
  • Specification: FIPS 180-2 Secure Hash Standard

2 Cryptanalysis

2.1 Best Known Results

The best collision attack on full SHA-1 was published by Wang et al. It has complexity of 269 hash evaluations. The best collision example, a 70-step collision for SHA-1, was published by DeCanniere, Mendel and Rechberger.

2.2 Collision Attacks

Christophe De Canni\`ere, Florian Mendel, Christian Rechberger - Collisions for 70-Step SHA-1: On the Full Cost of Collision Search

Selected Areas in Cryptography 4876:56-73,2007
Author : Christophe De Canni\`ere, Florian Mendel, Christian Rechberger
Title : Collisions for 70-Step SHA-1: On the Full Cost of Collision Search
In : Selected Areas in Cryptography -
Address :
Date : 2007

Makoto Sugita, Mitsuru Kawazoe, Ludovic Perret, Hideki Imai - Algebraic Cryptanalysis of 58-Round SHA-1

FSE 4593:349-365,2007
Author : Makoto Sugita, Mitsuru Kawazoe, Ludovic Perret, Hideki Imai
Title : Algebraic Cryptanalysis of 58-Round SHA-1
In : FSE -
Address :
Date : 2007

Christophe De Canni\`ere, Christian Rechberger - Finding SHA-1 Characteristics: General Results and Applications

ASIACRYPT 4284:1-20,2006
Author : Christophe De Canni\`ere, Christian Rechberger
Title : Finding SHA-1 Characteristics: General Results and Applications
Address :
Date : 2006

Charanjit S. Jutla, Anindya C. Patthak - Provably Good Codes for Hash Function Design

Selected Areas in Cryptography 4356:376-393,2006
Author : Charanjit S. Jutla, Anindya C. Patthak
Title : Provably Good Codes for Hash Function Design
In : Selected Areas in Cryptography -
Address :
Date : 2006

Norbert Pramstaller, Christian Rechberger, Vincent Rijmen - Impact of Rotations in SHA-1 and Related Hash Functions

Selected Areas in Cryptography 3897:261-275,2005
Author : Norbert Pramstaller, Christian Rechberger, Vincent Rijmen
Title : Impact of Rotations in SHA-1 and Related Hash Functions
In : Selected Areas in Cryptography -
Address :
Date : 2005

Vincent Rijmen, Elisabeth Oswald - Update on SHA-1

CT-RSA pp. 58-71,2005
Author : Vincent Rijmen, Elisabeth Oswald
Title : Update on SHA-1
In : CT-RSA -
Address :
Date : 2005

2.3 Preimage Attacks

  • We are not aware of any articles w.r.t. preimage attacks on SHA-1.

2.4 Others

Florian Mendel, Norbert Pramstaller, Christian Rechberger, Vincent Rijmen - The Impact of Carries on the Complexity of Collision Attacks on SHA-1

FSE 4047:278-292,2006
Author : Florian Mendel, Norbert Pramstaller, Christian Rechberger, Vincent Rijmen
Title : The Impact of Carries on the Complexity of Collision Attacks on SHA-1
In : FSE -
Address :
Date : 2006

Akashi Satoh - Hardware Architecture and Cost Estimates for Breaking SHA-1

ISC 3650:259-273,2005
Author : Akashi Satoh
Title : Hardware Architecture and Cost Estimates for Breaking SHA-1
In : ISC -
Address :
Date : 2005