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From The ECRYPT Hash Function Website
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== Cryptanalysis ==
== Cryptanalysis ==
* None yet
author = {Anne Canteaut and María Naya-Plasencia},
title = {Internal collision attack on Maraca},
url = {http://ehash.iaik.tugraz.at/uploads/5/52/Maraca.pdf},
howpublished = {Available online},
year = {2008},
abstract = {We present an internal collision attack against the new hash
function Maraca which has been submitted to the SHA-3 competition.
This attack requires 2237 calls to the round function and its complexity is
lower than the complexity of the generic collision attack when the length
of the message digest is greater than or equal to 512. The cryptanalysis
mainly exploits two features of Maraca: the fact that the message block
inserted at each round has the same size as the internal state, and some
particular differential properties of the inner permutation.},

Revision as of 14:21, 13 December 2008