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From The ECRYPT Hash Function Website
(Collision Attacks)
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   isbn = {3-540-25910-4},
   isbn = {3-540-25910-4},
   url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11426639_2},
   url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11426639_2},
  author = {Bert den Boer and Antoon Bosselaers},
  title = {Collisions for the Compression Function of MD5},
  booktitle = {EUROCRYPT},
  year = {1993},
  pages = {293-304},
  abstract = {At Crypto’ 91 Ronald L. Rivest introduced the MD5 Message Digest Algorithm as a strengthened version of MD4, differing from it on six points. Four changes are due to the two existing attacks on the two round versions of MD4. The other two changes should additionally strengthen MD5. However both these changes cannot be described as well-considered. One of them results in an approximate relation between any four consecutive additive constants. The other allows to create collisions for the compression function of MD5. In this paper an algorithm is described that finds such collisions. A C program implementing the algorithm establishes a work load of finding about 216 collisions for the first two rounds of the MD5 compression function to find a collision for the entire four round function. On a 33MHz 80386 based PC the mean run time of this program is about 4 minutes.},
  url = {http://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/bibs/0765/07650293.htm},

Revision as of 12:07, 11 March 2008

1 Specification

2 Cryptanalysis

2.1 Best Known Results

2.2 Generic Attacks

2.3 Collision Attacks

Xiaoyun Wang, Hongbo Yu - How to Break MD5 and Other Hash Functions

EUROCRYPT 3494:19-35,2005
Author : Xiaoyun Wang, Hongbo Yu
Title : How to Break MD5 and Other Hash Functions
Address :
Date : 2005

Bert den Boer, Antoon Bosselaers - Collisions for the Compression Function of MD5

EUROCRYPT pp. 293-304,1993
Author : Bert den Boer, Antoon Bosselaers
Title : Collisions for the Compression Function of MD5
Address :
Date : 1993

Thomas A. Berson - Differential Cryptanalysis Mod 2^32 with Applications to MD5

EUROCRYPT pp. 71-80,1992
Author : Thomas A. Berson
Title : Differential Cryptanalysis Mod 2^32 with Applications to MD5
Address :
Date : 1992

2.4 Second Preimage Attacks

2.5 Preimage Attacks

2.6 Others

John Black, Martin Cochran, Trevor Highland - A Study of the MD5 Attacks: Insights and Improvements

FSE 4047:262-277,2006
Author : John Black, Martin Cochran, Trevor Highland
Title : A Study of the MD5 Attacks: Insights and Improvements
In : FSE -
Address :
Date : 2006