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From The ECRYPT Hash Function Website
(Collision Attacks)
(Second Preimage Attacks)
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=== Second Preimage Attacks ===
=== Second Preimage Attacks ===
  owner    = {tnad},
  author    = {Hans Dobbertin},
  title    = {The First Two Rounds of MD4 are Not One-Way},
  pages    = {284-292},
  editor    = {Serge Vaudenay},
  booktitle = {FSE},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {1372},
  year      = {1998},
  isbn      = {3-540-64265-X},
  abstract  = {In [1] it was shown that there are very effective attacks leading
              to collisions for the hash function MD4 designed by R. Rivest [3].
              A summary of the status of hash functions of the MD4-family with respect to
              collision-resistence can be found in [2] and [4]. However, attacking the one-wayness
              of a hash function is a much more demanding challenge, and in case of success it has much more devastating
              consequences. No result along this line is known for MD4 and its
              successors. Therefore it is worth to explore how the recently developed
              new analytic methods for finding collisions can be applied to construct
              preimages or second preimages. As a first step, we state here the following partial result.},
  url      = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/3-540-69710-1_19}

Revision as of 18:45, 10 March 2008

1 Specification

  • digest size: 128 bits
  • max. message length: < 264 bits
  • compression function: 512-bit message block, 128-bit chaining variable
  • Specification:

2 Cryptanalysis

2.1 Best Known Results

2.2 Generic Attacks

2.3 Collision Attacks

Hans Dobbertin - Cryptanalysis of MD4

J. Cryptology 11(4):253-271,1998
Author : Hans Dobbertin
Title : Cryptanalysis of MD4
In : J. Cryptology -
Address :
Date : 1998

Hans Dobbertin - Cryptanalysis of MD4

FSE 1039:53-69,1996
Author : Hans Dobbertin
Title : Cryptanalysis of MD4
In : FSE -
Address :
Date : 1996

Serge Vaudenay - On the Need for Multipermutations: Cryptanalysis of MD4 and SAFER

FSE 1008:286-297,1995
Author : Serge Vaudenay
Title : On the Need for Multipermutations: Cryptanalysis of MD4 and SAFER
In : FSE -
Address :
Date : 1995

2.4 Second Preimage Attacks

Hans Dobbertin - The First Two Rounds of MD4 are Not One-Way

FSE 1372:284-292,1998
Author : Hans Dobbertin
Title : The First Two Rounds of MD4 are Not One-Way
In : FSE -
Address :
Date : 1998

2.5 Preimage Attacks

2.6 Others