
From The ECRYPT Hash Function Website
Revision as of 10:05, 6 October 2009 by JAumasson (talk | contribs) (Fixed BibTeX's and added Wang et al.'s paper)

1 The algorithm

Özgül Kücük - The Hash Function Hamsi

Author : Özgül Kücük
Title : The Hash Function Hamsi
In : -
Address :
Date : 2008

2 Cryptanalysis

Type of Analysis Hash Function Part Hash Size (n) Parameters/Variants Compression Function Calls Memory Requirements Reference
non-randomness compression function 224, 256 5 rounds Aumasson
near-collision compression function 224, 256 3 rounds 221 Nikolic
distinguisher compression function 224, 256 6 rounds 227 Aumasson,Meier
distinguisher compression function 384, 512 12 rounds 2729 Aumasson,Meier
near-collision compression function 224, 256 3 rounds 25 Wang,Wang,Jia,Wang
near-collision compression function 224, 256 4 rounds 232 Wang,Wang,Jia,Wang
near-collision compression function 224, 256 5 rounds 2125 Wang,Wang,Jia,Wang

A description of this table is given here.

Jean-Philippe Aumasson - On the pseudorandomness of Hamsi

Author : Jean-Philippe Aumasson
Title : On the pseudorandomness of Hamsi
In : -
Address :
Date : 2009

Ivica Nikolic - Near Collisions for the Compression Function of Hamsi-256

Author : Ivica Nikolic
Title : Near Collisions for the Compression Function of Hamsi-256
In : -
Address :
Date : 2009

Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Willi Meier - Zero-sum distinguishers for reduced Keccak-f and for the core functions of Luffa and Hamsi

Author : Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Willi Meier
Title : Zero-sum distinguishers for reduced Keccak-f and for the core functions of Luffa and Hamsi
In : -
Address :
Date : 2009

Meiqin Wang, Xiaoyun Wang, Keting Jia, Wei Wang - New Pseudo-Near-Collision Attack on Reduced-Round of Hamis-256

Author : Meiqin Wang, Xiaoyun Wang, Keting Jia, Wei Wang
Title : New Pseudo-Near-Collision Attack on Reduced-Round of Hamis-256
In : -
Address :
Date : 2009