From The ECRYPT Hash Function Website

1 Specification

  • digest size: 128 - 320 bits
  • max. message length: < 264 bits
  • compression function: 1024-bit message block, 320-bit chaining variable
  • Specification:

Nan Kyoung Park, Joon Ho Hwang, Pil Joong Lee - HAS-V: A New Hash Function with Variable Output Length

Selected Areas in Cryptography 2012:202-216,2000
Author : Nan Kyoung Park, Joon Ho Hwang, Pil Joong Lee
Title : HAS-V: A New Hash Function with Variable Output Length
In : Selected Areas in Cryptography -
Address :
Date : 2000

2 Cryptanalysis

2.1 Best Known Results

Mendel and Rijmen show weaknesses in the compression function of HAS-V. They present pseudo-collisions for HAS-V for all output sizes. Furthermore, they show a preimage and second preimage attack on HAS-V (with output size >160) with complexity of about 2162 compression function evaluations.

2.2 Generic Attacks

2.3 Collision Attacks

2.4 Second Preimage Attacks

2.5 Preimage Attacks

2.6 Others

Florian Mendel, Vincent Rijmen - Weaknesses in the HAS-V Compression Function

ICISC 4817:335-345,2007
Author : Florian Mendel, Vincent Rijmen
Title : Weaknesses in the HAS-V Compression Function
In : ICISC -
Address :
Date : 2007