Vlastimil Klima, OFFICIAL COMMENT 2008-12-14 -------------------------------------------- Dynamic SHA2 is vulnerable to generic attacks. According to security requirements (part 4.A iii) of the hash functions NIST expects the SHA-3 algorithm should be resistent to length-extension attacks. Length-extension attack is not correctly understood and described in paragraph 6.1 of submitted Dynamic SHA2 documentations. As a consequence, Dynamic SHA2 (with 256-bit and 512-bit outputs) function (h) is trivially vulnerable to length-extension attacks. Given h(m) and len(m) but not m, the attacker easily creates m' (with correct padding) and calculates h (m || m') simply from h(m) and m'. Moreover, in the function's design there are no precautions against other generic attacks (multi-collisions etc.). Best regards, Vlastimil Klima